30 Second Skip

From TiVoDatabase
Revision as of 09:55, 31 July 2023 by Larsenv (talk | contribs) (Created page with "30 Second Skip is a feature which is featured on every TiVo unit except the Toshiba SD-H400. It replaces the replay and skip to tick button on the TiVo remote with the ability to go back and forth in a program in up to 30 second intervals. On Series 1-3 TiVos, you can toggle 30 second skip by pressing the button combination Select - Play - Select - 3 - 0 - Select. Newer TiVo models can have 30 second skip enabled that way, but you can also enable it via the remote settings.")
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30 Second Skip is a feature which is featured on every TiVo unit except the Toshiba SD-H400. It replaces the replay and skip to tick button on the TiVo remote with the ability to go back and forth in a program in up to 30 second intervals. On Series 1-3 TiVos, you can toggle 30 second skip by pressing the button combination Select - Play - Select - 3 - 0 - Select. Newer TiVo models can have 30 second skip enabled that way, but you can also enable it via the remote settings.