From TiVoDatabase
TiVoToGo is a feature of TiVos which allows you to transfer recordings to a computer. The feature works on any TiVo ever since Series 2, and to use it you need an active subscription on your TiVo. TiVoToGo doesn't work on DirecTiVos. You can access the recording list on your local network using your browser by connecting with HTTPS to the TiVo IP on your network and it can let you download them encrypted. The recording is encrypted with your TiVo's Media Access Key. TiVo Desktop is the official application to transfer recordings and decrypt and encode them, but the community has made their own apps with more features, such as kmttg, pyTiVo, cTiVo, and Archivo. tivolibre is an application which can handle decrypting TiVo recordings.